
Reels of Change

A collection of rebellious robots aiming to revamp the P2P experience by creating immersive and skill based games. Join them in their fight for change and earn $ROCC along their journey.

max. sale 15
avg. sale◎ 0.99
24h volume◎0.02
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24h max. sale 0.01
24h avg. sale◎0.01
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Items on sale by: DEtcTRe9mwxZCtJTxcrjo3dHB6Tq7sHnFSjWe8rfby61

4 results
rarity 125
# 2708
◎6.15buy on Magic Eden
LAST ◎1.90
rarity 274
# 2376
◎6.15buy on Magic Eden
LAST ◎2.40
rarity 670
# 2089
◎6.15buy on Magic Eden
rarity 2647
# 1915
◎6.15buy on Magic Eden
LAST ◎1.99