
VBA Game

The Virtual Basketball Association (VBA) is the basketball league of the metaverse.

max. sale 80
avg. sale◎ 1.17
24h volume◎0.00
24h sales0
24h max. sale◎ 0
24h avg. sale◎0
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Items on sale by: 44viMpASY7G8i3jSU6GRiGkhz5orbPk8D8e1ws3d6Fct

8 results
rarity 793
# 5828
◎0.1025buy on Magic Eden
no sale history
rarity 2034
# 5527
◎0.1025buy on Magic Eden
no sale history
rarity 3946
# 8271
◎0.1025buy on Magic Eden
no sale history
rarity 4802
# 864
◎0.1025buy on Magic Eden
no sale history
rarity 8434
# 11246
◎0.1025buy on Magic Eden
no sale history
rarity 8942
# 9507
◎0.1025buy on Magic Eden
no sale history
rarity 9503
# 3964
◎0.1025buy on Magic Eden
no sale history
rarity 11467
# 2689
◎0.1025buy on Magic Eden
no sale history